[OSGeo Africa] South African NGI 25cm Imagery available online

Grant Slater openstreetmap at firefishy.com
Wed Jul 3 17:25:16 PDT 2024

Hi Pieter,

See the attached image showing the correct settings. "XYZ Tiles"
I think you need QGIS version 3.2 and newer for this to work.

I do not support access via WMS or WMTS.

Kind regards,


On Wed, 3 Jul 2024 at 15:59, Gandalf the Gray via Africa
<africa at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
> Hi.
> I am having trouble assing the following URL in QGIS:
>   https://aerial.openstreetmap.org.za/layer/ngi-aerial/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg
> Not showing up in QGIS.
> Also tried adding it as a  path in Arc PRO, also to no avail.
> I was following the list thread from Grant.
> Can anyone help?
> Pieter du Plooy
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