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-------- Forwarded Message --------<BR>
<B>From</B>: Clara Tattoni <<A HREF="mailto:Clara%20Tattoni%20%3ctattonic@ing.unitn.it%3e">tattonic@ing.unitn.it</A>><BR>
<B>Reply-to</B>: tattonic@ing.unitn.it<BR>
<B>To</B>: <A HREF="mailto:edu_discuss@lists.osgeo.org">edu_discuss@lists.osgeo.org</A><BR>
<B>Subject</B>: [OSGeo-Edu] Summer school in Tropical biodiversity using FOSS4G<BR>
<B>Date</B>: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 11:05:33 +0100 (CET)<BR>
Dear colleagues,
I am pleased to announce the first edition of a Summer School titled
“Tropical rainforest biodiversity: field and GIS tools for assessing,
monitoring and mapping” to be held in the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania
from July 1-14 2011. The school is organized by Trento Science Museum
(Italy) and the University of Trento and will be based at the Udzungwa
Ecological Monitoring Centre, a field station annexed to the Udzungwa
Mountains National Park.
The school is open to 15-20 international students and will also be
attended by Ecologists from Tanzanian National Parks.
For more information and downloading the brochure please visit
<A HREF="http://www.mtsn.tn.it/INGLESE/ing_sezioni/sum-sch11.asp">http://www.mtsn.tn.it/INGLESE/ing_sezioni/sum-sch11.asp</A>
We would be grateful if can pass the information to interested applicants
and colleagues.
Thanks for your attention and best wishes,
Sorry for cross-posting
| Clara Tattoni |
| Laboratorio di Ecologia |
| Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale |
| Università degli studi di Trento |
| via Mesiano 77 - Trento |
| Tel. 0461 882696 |
| |
| |
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