[OSGeo-Alberta] OSGeo Alberta Chapter Meetup: March 1, 7pm

scott.mchale at shaw.ca scott.mchale at shaw.ca
Thu Feb 23 09:39:39 PST 2023


PROPOSED AGENDA : March 1, 2023

6.45pm: ONLINE LOBBY (

7.00pm: Attendee Introductions & OSGeo intro



*         No presentations currently planned. Feel free to reach out either
on the OSGeo mailing list, or you can reach me at scott.mchale at shaw.ca
<mailto:scott.mchale at shaw.ca>  if you wish to present or suggest presenters

Some suggestions from the chapter for presentations include:

*         Show us your side hustle

*         Bring us your problems ( stuff you're working on and issues )

*         teach something new ( OS Geo projects or other ).

Chat & any proposed Chapter business or initiatives:

This event is open to all. Feel free to bring your topics, projects, or


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