[OSGeo-Announce] gvSIG 2.3 final version is now available

Jorge Sanz jsanz at osgeo.org
Fri Sep 30 02:22:10 PDT 2016

gvSIG 2.3, the new gvSIG final version, is now available to download.

This version has been a qualitative leap, because of all the
improvements and novelties, in a functional level, as well as in an
architecture one.

Downloads are available from the project website [1], and there are
two distribitions: installable and portable.

Some of the main novelties of this version are the distributions for
Mac and for Windows 64 bits, and in reference to the functionalities,
the main new features are the PRJ file support for projections, access
to Google Maps, Bing Maps or Street View, and LiDAR data support among

All the novelties can be consulted in [2].

For any error in the application, or for any doubt or question, you
can send it to the users mailing list [3], and finally, we want to
tell you that your help, although it is small, can be very important
to continue improving gvSIG. We encourage you to collaborate [4].

[1] http://www.gvsig.com/en/products/gvsig-desktop/downloads
[2] https://blog.gvsig.org/?s=gvSIG+2.3
[3] http://www.gvsig.com/en/community/mailing-lists
[4] https://blog.gvsig.org/2016/05/12/contributing-to-gvsig-or-bidirectional-collaboration/

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