[OSGeo-Announce] FOSS4G 2018 – OSGeo events you should not miss!

Astrid Emde (OSGeo) astrid_emde at osgeo.org
Sat Aug 4 03:46:51 PDT 2018

Link to the OSGeo Foundation News: 

We are all looking forward to the upcoming FOSS4G 2018 in Dar es Salaam 


Things are coming together very nicely (a huge thank you to the Dar 
local committee DLOC for their endless efforts. You are great!).

With this news we would like to mention some OSGeo events during the 
conference. And maybe we need your input and help for the AGM, Member 
Meeting, Sol Katz Award or the OSGeo Booth.

You can find all necessary information in the excellent FOSS4G program 
in the section “OSGeo Events” at 
https://2018.foss4g.org/programme/list-of-presentations/ and in the 
event’s Attendify app (search for event FOSS4G 2018) and at OSGeo Wiki 

OSGeo Booth
And of course there will be an OSGeo Booth at FOSS4G. With the OSGeo 
booth we want to welcome newcomers, provide information by flyers, 
brochures, stickers, provide space to ask questions, get involved in 
OSGeo, make contacts & get connections to projects & local chapter, meet 
friends & more.
So feel invited to come to the OSGeo booth or sign up for a shift at the 
booth. https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2018_OSGeo_Booth

OSGeo Member Meeting
On Tuesday 28 August from  6pm-8pm in the evening we will have the 4th 
OSGeo Member Meeting. We started with this concept in March in Bonn and 
want to bring OSGeo members together to discuss and get to know each 
At FOSS4G 2018 the member meeting will be part of the Icebreaker event. 
It will take place at the Badminton Institute.

OSGeo Sponsors & Partners breakfast (only by invitation)
Wednesday 29 August from 7.00-8.00am
We arranged an OSGeo Sponsors and partners breakfast on Wednesday 
morning 29th August 7:00 at Serena Hotel (only by invitation).

OSGeo AGM Annual General Meeting
Thursday 30 August from 8:00-9:00am
The Annual General Meeting for OSGeo is open to everybody. The goal is 
to give an overall status of the organization, informing the members of 
previous and future activities from committees and local chapters and to 
discuss important issues and take decisions.
We need your help for the meeting! So if you are part of a project, 
committee, initiative, or OSGeo local chapter we need your input for the 
meeting agenda.

OSGeo Student Awards at FOSS4G 2018
Thursday 30 August 6:30-8:00 pm
GeoForAll student awards for the best contribution as poster and as oral 
presentation. If you are a student presenting a poster or presentation 
at FOSS4G 2018, you are eligible to participate in the award 
competition. The awards will be given during the Sundowner Cocktails.
Read more about the OSGeo Student Award and how to participate:

Sol Katz Award
Thursday 30 August 6:30-8:00 pm
As at every FOSS4G event, we will grant the 2018 Sol Katz Award. The Sol 
Katz Award for Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) 
will be given to individuals who have demonstrated leadership in the 
FOSS4G community.
Nominations are accepted until end-of-day August 10th Anywhere on Earth.
The awards will be given during the Sundowner Cocktails - Thursday 
30/8/2018 (6:30-8:00 pm).
Read more at 

GeoForAll Meeting
Friday 31 August from 8:00am-9:00am in room GOMBE at  the Julius Nyerere 
International Convention Centre (JNICC)
GeoForAll is the Research and Education Outreach of OSGeo. At the 
meeting, GeoForAll activities will be introduced, new potential members 
(e.g. new geospatial labs at universities) will be welcomed and we will 
discuss relevant international calls and projects which could be of 
interest to our activities. Due to your experience and activities, you 
are cordially invited to participate in the meeting.
Read more about GeoForAll and the meeting

FOSS4G 2018 Community Sprint
Saturday 1 September from 8:00am-5:00pm and Sunday from 8:00am-5:00pm at 
DLab will be the FOSS4G Community Sprint after the global conference. It 
is a great opportunity to meet other OSGeo members and get involved and 
learn about other projects! Or get started with OSGeo – learn about 
OSGeo structure, mailing lists, projects & local chapters .Or maybe just 
get connected.
Everyone is welcome. You should not miss the event.
Read more and register at:

We are looking forward to see you at FOSS4G 2018 in Dar es Salaam!

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