[OSGeo-Announce] Summer School "Geocomputation"

Jorge Sanz jsanz at osgeo.org
Tue Jan 28 10:05:26 PST 2020

Geocomputation using free and Open Source Software (1st-5th June 2020
- Matera, Italy. )

A 5 days intense experience opening new horizons on the use of the
vast potentials of Linux environment and the command line approach for
geo-data massive processing using Bash, AWK, Python, GRASS, QGIS,
GDAL/OGR, R, PKTOOLS. We will guide newcomers and experienced GIS&RS
users who have never used a command line terminal to a stage which
will allow them to understand and apply very advanced open source data
processing routines. Our focus is to enhance a self-learning approach
and programming-languages integration. This allows participants to
keep on progressing and improving their skills in a continuously
evolving technological environment.

More information and registration:

www.facebook.com/spatialecology > see events
twitter: @BigDataEcology

Best regards
Spatial Ecology – Team

Giuseppe Amatulli, Ph.D.

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