[OSGeo-Announce] Welcoming our new OSGeo Charter Members 2020

Victoria Rautenbach victoria.rautenbach at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 08:11:07 PST 2020

News item, https://www.osgeo.org/foundation-news/welcoming-our-new-osgeo-charter-members-2020/

Congratulations and welcome to all our new OSGeo Charter Members!

In 2020, we had 31 nominations and 29 were accepted. This year, 304
votes were casted the highest number to date (209 in 2019, 276 in
2018). The OSGeo board approved the new members in November 2020.

We are happy to announce that the following people were accepted as
OSGeo Charter Members:
Alessandro Sarretta (2020) Italy
Andrew Jeffrey (2020) Australia
Antoni Pérez Navarro (2020) Spain
Cameron Green (2020) South Africa
David Garcia (2020) Aotearoa
Edwin Liava'a (2020) Tonga
Fabian Schindler (2020) Austria
Francesco Bartoli (2020) Italy
Jérome Boué (2020) France
Joachim Ungar (2020) Austria
Jonah Sullivan (2020) Australia
Joonho Lee (2020) South Korea
Jörg Thomsen (2020) Germany
Katja Haferkorn (2020) Germany
Laura Mugeha (2020) Kenya
Laurențiu Nicola (2020) Romania
Marino Carhuapoma (2020) Peru
Mark Prins (2020) Netherlands
Mark Varley (2020) France
Neftalí Sillero (2020) Portugal
Nora Lucioni 2020) Argentina
Olivier Hagolle (2020) France
Paolo Dabove (2020) Italy
Paulo Coronado (2020) Colombia
Rahul Chauhan (2020) India
Raul Nanclares da Veiga (2020) México
Ricardo Silva (2020) Portugal
Stefano Campus (2020) Italy
Ujaval Gandhi (2020) India

OSGeo now has a total number of 487 members for 62 countries. You can
access a summary of our membership here,

Congratulations again to our new Charter Members!

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