[OSGeo-Announce] pgRouting version 3.6.0 release
Jorge Sanz
jsanz at osgeo.org
Fri Nov 24 04:25:23 PST 2023
Hello pgRouting community,
The pgRouting Team is pleased to announce
the release of pgRouting version 3.6.0
The latest release is available at [1]
For discussions on the release, go to [2]
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git
closed milestone for 3.6.0 on Github. [3]
*Official functions changes*
* #2516 Standarize output pgr_aStar
o Standarizing output columns to (seq, path_seq, start_vid,
end_vid, node, edge, cost, agg_cost)
+ pgr_aStar (One to One) added start_vid and end_vid columns.
+ pgr_aStar (One to Many) added end_vid column.
+ pgr_aStar (Many to One) added start_vid column.
* #2523 Standarize output pgr_bdAstar
o Standarizing output columns to (seq, path_seq, start_vid,
end_vid, node, edge, cost, agg_cost)
+ pgr_bdAstar (One to One) added start_vid and end_vid columns.
+ pgr_bdAstar (One to Many) added end_vid column.
+ pgr_bdAstar (Many to One) added start_vid column.
* #2547 Standarize output and modifying signature pgr_KSP
o Result columns standarized to: (seq, path_id, path_seq,
start_vid, end_vid, node, edge, cost, agg_cost)
o pgr_ksp (One to One)
+ Added start_vid and end_vid result columns.
o New overload functions:
+ pgr_ksp (One to Many)
+ pgr_ksp (Many to One)
+ pgr_ksp (Many to Many)
+ pgr_ksp (Combinations)
* #2548 Standarize output pgr_drivingdistance
o Standarizing output columns to (seq, depth, start_vid, pred,
node, edge, cost, agg_cost)
+ pgr_drivingdistance (Single vertex)
# Added depth and start_vid result columns.
+ pgr_drivingdistance (Multiple vertices)
# Result column name change: from_v to start_vid.
# Added depth and pred result columns.
*Proposed functions changes*
* #2544 Standarize output and modifying signature pgr_withPointsDD
o Signature change: driving_side parameter changed from named
optional to unnamed compulsory driving side.
+ pgr_withPointsDD (Single vertex)
+ pgr_withPointsDD (Multiple vertices)
o Standarizing output columns to (seq, depth, start_vid, pred,
node, edge, cost, agg_cost)
+ pgr_withPointsDD (Single vertex)
# Added depth, pred and start_vid column.
+ pgr_withPointsDD (Multiple vertices)
# Added depth, pred columns.
o When details is false:
+ Only points that are visited are removed, that is, points
reached within the distance are included
o Deprecated signatures
+ pgr_withpointsdd(text,text,bigint,double
+ pgr_withpointsdd(text,text,anyarray,double
* #2546 Standarize output and modifying signature pgr_withPointsKSP
o Standarizing output columns to (seq, path_id, path_seq,
start_vid, end_vid, node, edge, cost, agg_cost)
o pgr_withPointsKSP (One to One)
+ Signature change: driving_side parameter changed from named
optional to unnamed compulsory driving side.
+ Added start_vid and end_vid result columns.
o New overload functions
+ pgr_withPointsKSP (One to Many)
+ pgr_withPointsKSP (Many to One)
+ pgr_withPointsKSP (Many to Many)
+ pgr_withPointsKSP (Combinations)
o Deprecated signature
+ pgr_withpointsksp(text,text,bigint,bigint,integer,boolean,boolean,char,boolean)
*C/C++ code enhancements*
* #2504 To C++ pg data get, fetch and check.
o Stopping support for compilation with MSVC.
* #2505 Using namespace.
* #2512 [Dijkstra] Removing duplicate code on Dijkstra.
* #2517 Astar code simplification.
* #2521 Dijkstra code simplification.
* #2522 bdAstar code simplification.
* #2490 Automatic page history links.
*SQL standarization*
* #2555 standarize deprecated messages
* On new internal function: do not use named parameters and default
*To update your database*
Download the packaged version from your operating system, and use this
command in the database:
ALTER EXTENSION pgrouting UPDATE TO "3.6.0";
[1]. https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/releases/latest
[2]. https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/discussions/2587
pgRouting Team.
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