[OSGeo-Announce] pgRouting graduates OSGeo Incubation

Jorge Sanz jsanz at osgeo.org
Tue Dec 17 04:25:02 PST 2024


OSGeo welcomes pgRouting to its growing ecosystem of projects.

OSGeo is pleased to announce that pgRouting has graduated from 
incubation and is now a full-fledged OSGeo project.

pgRouting is an open-source extension in the PostGIS 
<https://postgis.net> / PostgreSQL <https://www.postgresql.org> 
geospatial database, providing geospatial routing functionality.

Graduatingincubation <https://www.osgeo.org/about/committees/incubation> 
includes fulfilling requirements for open community operation, a 
responsible project governance model, code provenance, and general good 
project operation. Graduation is the OSGeo seal of approval for a 
project and gives potential users and the community at large an added 
confidence in the viability and safety of the project.

The pgRouitng Steering Committee collectively recognizes this as a big 
progressive step for the project.

pgRouting has been an active contributor and participant to various open 
source initiatives inside and outside OSGeo such as FOSS4G, OSGeo Code 
Sprints, OGC Code Sprints, Joint OSGeo-OGC-ASF (Apache Software 
Foundation) Code Sprints, and Google Summer of Code.

The pgRouitng PSC says, “/We are excited about the future of the project 
within the OSGeo’s project ecosystem. We have been working to have a 
community of developers for the project sustainability. It is our honor 
to be an OSGeo project”./

The pgRouting PSC would like to thank our mentor, Angelos Tzotsos, and 
the OSGeo Incubation Committee for their assistance during this 
Incubator process.

Congratulations to the pgRouting community!

*About pgRouting*

pgRouting extends the PostGIS <https://postgis.net> / PostgreSQL 
<https://www.postgresql.org> geospatial database to provide geospatial 
routing functionality. It is written in C++, C and SQL.

It is an open source PostgreSQL extension which implements several graph 

pgRouting library contains the following features:

  * All Pairs Shortest Path algorithms: Floyd-Warshall and Johnson’s
  * Shortest Path and bi-directional algorithms:  Dijkstra, A*
  * Graph components, analysis and contraction algorithms.
  * Traveling Sales Person
  * Graph components, analysis and contraction algorithms.
  * Shortest Path with turn restrictions

pgRouting is able to process geospatial and non geospatial graphs.

It’s processing extension execute a number of existing graph algorithms 
based on reliable software and libraries. It is written in such a way 
that gives the ability to hook a new graph algorithm in a clean way 
including the connection code to the database.

The pgRouting functions are standardized in terms of parameter types and 
names, decreasing the learning curve of a user.

pgRouting is very flexible with graph data input, in an inner SQL query 
and output with standardized column names, so you can process almost any 
kind of graph data stored in the database.

*About OSGeo*

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation <http://osgeo.org> is 
not-for-profit organization to “/empower everyone with open source 
geospatial/‘. The software foundation directly supports projects serving 
as an outreach and advocacy organization providing financial, 
organizational and legal support for the open source geospatial community.

OSGeo works with Re:Earth, QFieldCloud, GeoCat, T-Kartor, and other 
sponsors, along with our partners to foster an open approach to 
software, standards, data, and education.
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