[OSGeo-Announce] FOSS4G 2023 Prizren - recordings are available in the TIB AV-Portal

Astrid Emde (OSGeo) astrid_emde at osgeo.org
Tue Mar 12 10:09:40 PDT 2024


we are happy to share the news that the recordings from FOSS4G 2023 
Pizren (https://2023.foss4g.org/) are now available in the TIB 

Thanks a lot to the TIB team (https://www.tib.eu/de/) for their effort 
and support.

The series doi is as follows: https://doi.org/10.5446/s_1671

Read the Final press release from the FOSS4G 2023 Local team to learn 
more about FOSS4G 2023

If you have a look at the publisher FOSS4G you will find many recodings 
from past FOSS4Gs
- https://av.tib.eu/publisher/FOSS4G

We hope to see you at one of our next events

About the Open Source Geospatial Foundation

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation is a not-for-profit 501(c)(4) 
organization to empower everyone with open source geospatial. The 
software foundation directly supports projects serving as an outreach 
and advocacy organization providing financial, organizational and legal 
support for the open source geospatial community.

OSGeo works with Camptocamp, GeoCat, OPENGIS.ch, WhereGroup and other 
sponsors, along with our partners to foster an open approach to 
software, standards, data and education.

Open Source Geospatial Foundation

Best regards

Astrid Emde
Astrid Emde
OSGeo Secretary
Open Source Geospatial Foundation
astrid_emde at osgeo.org

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