[AtlanticCanada] REMINDER: Tomorrow is the last day for FOSS5G abstracts

Timothy Astle timothy.astle at caris.com
Thu Apr 14 08:03:09 EDT 2011

Haha, that's better than anything that I'd have time to come up with.

I would have normally been all over this, but I just had too much work 
to deal with over the past few months.

On another note:  Are we going to schedule a second meeting (and if so, 
where) with the focus on having you demonstrate MapServer?  =)


On 14/04/2011 8:35 AM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Hello everyone in Atlantic Canada!
> Tomorrow is the last day to submit a short abstract for a presentation 
> at the upcoming FOSS4G conference in Denver in September: 
> http://2011.foss4g.org/abstracts/
> If you haven't been to an event, they are really special, a real 
> energy event unlike no other event that you've ever been to.
> We could even submit an abstract on the formation of our chapter 
> (unique issues we face here, challenges, goals, ideas, working with 
> the other Canadian chapters etc).  If anyone is interested in that let 
> me know! (okay maybe it's a boring abstract, but I am open to ideas!)
> Talk soon,
> -jeff

Timothy Astle, BCS <http://my.opera.com/tastle/blog/>
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