[AtlanticCanada] Opensource toolbox for ArcGIS?

Connors, Bernie (SNB) Bernie.Connors at snb.ca
Tue Jan 10 08:31:49 EST 2012

I recall reading recently about a Toolbox for ArcGIS that implemented some Opensource tools (OGR? GDAL? FWTools?).  Does anybody know what this is called.  I have tried googling but have not found it yet.

Bernie Connors, P.Eng
Manager - Spatial Data Infrastructure
Land Information Secretariat
Service New Brunswick
Tel: 506-444-2077 Fax: 506-453-3898
45°56'25.21"N, 66°38'53.65"W
bernie.connors at snb.ca<mailto:bernie.connors at snb.ca>

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