[Aust-NZ] [Fwd: [Geodata] Themes and Direction from FOSS4G]

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Oct 6 00:21:55 EDT 2007

Ben Searle,
This email originating out of the OSGeo Data community highlights a 
beneficial partnership that could be created between OSDM and OSGeo.

As I see it, both the OSDM and the OSGeo Data community want to catalog 
large datasets and address issues like licenses.

OSGeo Data has (limited) access to an international community of 
developers and enthusiasts.
OSDM has (limited) access to resources to address hosting, software 
development etc.

By aligning OSDM's resources with an OSGeo project, OSDM will benefit 
from the growing community and software as happens with Open Source 
projects. (Think Opportunity Management.)

I'd encourage you to view the email thread (link from the email) and 
engage in the discussion.
As always, I'd be happy to talk through the opportunities. Contact 
details below.

Cameron Shorter
Systems Architect, http://lisasoft.com.au
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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From: "David William Bitner" <david.bitner at gmail.com>
Subject: [Geodata] Themes and Direction from FOSS4G
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2007 13:52:04 -0500
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