[Aust-NZ] Re: [Fwd: [Geodata] Themes and Direction from FOSS4G] [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 16:29:53 EDT 2007

I'm an Engineer and one of the techniques we use to make complicated 
decisions is to build a Decision Matrix.

List your goals, and the value to your company of each goal.

List possible implementations and the cost of each implementation.

You can then draw a matrix adding up the value of each implementation.

The complexity is understanding the cost and value of each option. I'd 
be happy to help with these.

Ben.Searle at ga.gov.au wrote:
> Cameron,
> Many thanks for your email and the attached email.
> I agree with your general summation about the potential OSDM and OSGeo
> partnership although exactly how and what would need some careful thinking.
> I no that some ASIBA members are already concerned at my desire to use open
> source for the metadata tool (GeoNetwork).
> Having said this, I also believe that GeoNetwork has considerable potential
> to provide a cornerstone to for a spatial data infrastructure and we should
> be developing expertise with this software.
> If you have any specific ideas, I would be happy to hear them, but at this
> stage I need to think through some of the issues relating to OSGeo and OSDM
> linkages. 
> Regards 
> Ben Searle
> General Manager,
> Australian Government
> Office of Spatial Data Management
> Phone: 02 6249 9298
> Mobile: 0439-995-785
> Fax: 02 6249 9942
> Email: ben.searle at osdm.gov.au
> Postal address: GPO Box 378, Canberra ACT 2601
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cameron Shorter [mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com] 
> Sent: Saturday, 6 October 2007 2:22
> To: Searle Ben
> Cc: Aust-NZ OSGeo
> Subject: [Fwd: [Geodata] Themes and Direction from FOSS4G]
> Ben Searle,
> This email originating out of the OSGeo Data community highlights a 
> beneficial partnership that could be created between OSDM and OSGeo.
> As I see it, both the OSDM and the OSGeo Data community want to catalog 
> large datasets and address issues like licenses.
> OSGeo Data has (limited) access to an international community of 
> developers and enthusiasts.
> OSDM has (limited) access to resources to address hosting, software 
> development etc.
> By aligning OSDM's resources with an OSGeo project, OSDM will benefit 
> from the growing community and software as happens with Open Source 
> projects. (Think Opportunity Management.)
> I'd encourage you to view the email thread (link from the email) and 
> engage in the discussion.
> As always, I'd be happy to talk through the opportunities. Contact 
> details below.

Cameron Shorter
Systems Architect, http://lisasoft.com.au
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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