[Aust-NZ] Suggestion for Policy for Coordination of ANZLIC Open Source Spatial efforts

Bruce.Bannerman at dpi.vic.gov.au Bruce.Bannerman at dpi.vic.gov.au
Wed Jul 16 23:30:28 EDT 2008


This email is a suggestion for a Policy for Coordination of ANZLIC Open 
Source Spatial efforts.

I'm trying to incorporate Rob Woodcock's constructive criticism of 
Cameron's earlier document, but only work at a high level.

This is only a first draft. Please feel free to pull it to pieces.

I'm trying to use the KISS principle (Keep it Simple, Stupid).

_Coordination of ANZLIC Open Source Spatial efforts_

__Formal Processes__

- <ANZLIC/OSDM> is responsible for overall coordination of parties.

- ANZLIC Technical Steering Committee.

  This group would comprise nominated technical representatives from key 
stakeholders, including nominated representatives 
  from the key Open Source Project Steering Committees. This group would 
typically meet virtually using Open
  Source methodologies. 

  This group would develop and maintain a big picture understanding of 
SISS architectural and development 
  requirements in each of the OS Spatial communities and help coordinate 
these developments.

  This group would be also evaluate, reject and prioritise formal 
proposals. This would include an 
  architectural assessment of the proposal.

  ANZLIC would need to consider paying for the time of the OS PSC members 
to undertake this work.

  Who would this group would need to be answerable to ?

- Open Source Communites

  ANZLIC and SISS related development should occur within the Open Source 
communities. Developers undertaking
  work on behalf of an ANZLIC member should aim to become a good member of 
the relevent open source community.

  Relevent ANZLIC members (developers, architects, testers, users, 
managers etc) should be encouraged to become 
  active members of the relevent Open Source communities.

  ANZLIC development should not be forked from the open source project 
unless all other avenues have been exhausted 
  and only with the approval of the ANZLIC Technical Steering Committee.

- ANZLIC Members

  Volunteer to undertake a particular piece of work identified by the 
ANZLIC Technical Steering Committee.

  This work could be development, testing, packaging, documentation, 
training, workshops etc. It could be 
  done in-house, by contractor or outsourced.

__Informal Processes__

As long as development occurs within the relevent Open Source spatial 
community, the community is actively engaged and 
the project is not forked, there are no constraints to an organisation 
fast tracking development with the relevent community.

- OSGeo-AustNZ - Email list for the Australian and New Zealand Open Source 
Spatial community to discuss any spatial issues.

What else is needed?

Bruce Bannerman

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