[Aust-NZ] How can OSIA work with OSGeo?

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Jun 3 07:26:11 EDT 2008

OSIA, meet OSGeo.  OSGeo, meet OSIA.

OSIA = Open Source Industry Australia
OSGeo Aust/NZ = The Australian/New Zealand local chapter of the Open 
Source Geospatial Foundation. http://osgeo.org

At OSGeo, we promote the OS stack of Geospatial software and over the 
past year or so we have been presenting at Geospatial conferences, and 
lobbying for use of Open Standards and Open Source in Spatial Data 
Infrastructure. In particular, Sydney will hold the 2009 international 
conference for OSGeo - the gathering of the geospatial tribes, which 
attracts ~ 700 people. This will be 17-23 November 2009. 

So how can OSGeo and OSIA work together? Here are some of my immediate 
1. OSGeo can present on Open Source Geospatial topics. We can add some 
worthy presentations to OSDC. http://www.osdc.com.au
2. Maybe OSDC 2009 could overlap with the OSGeo 2009 conference. Both 
conferences should increase numbers by having attendees from one 
conference join the other.
3. OSGeo could possibly share stand space with other OS vendors at 
geospatial conferences.
4. what else ...?

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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