[Aust-NZ] Geoscience Australia goes CC-BY [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

John Smith deltafoxtrot256 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 6 21:17:30 EST 2009

2009/12/7 Scott Penrose <scottp at dd.com.au>:
> Of course the answer, which is also covered in OSM, is by logs - you can see exactly who edited what at what time, just like you can with most source code repositories, or most wikis.

Actually it's covered by tagging individual ways too, however there is
a big issue blown up recently over a proposed change to ODBL (Open
DataBase License) and moving away from CC-BY-SA because it doesn't
hold legal weight in some jurisdictions because of past precidents
like the US where mistakes and intentional errors aren't protected and
facts can't be copyrighted and there is no protection for a collection
of facts in a database. ODBL is trying to fix this by adding some
contractual methods not just copyright.

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