[Aust-NZ] Melbourne meet

Roald de Wit roald.dewit at lisasoft.com
Sun Nov 15 22:34:18 EST 2009

On 16/11/09 12:48, mapbutcher wrote:
> Any suggestions for a good Pub this Thursday - and is 6:30pm ok?

I kinda like Sherlock Holmes on Collins (between Williams and Queen St).
They have some nice beers on tap and a good atmosphere.
Another one is the Mitre Tavern. Big enough and just as centrally
located: Bank Pl (betweeen Lt Collins & Collins and between William &


> Simon
> 2009/11/7 Scott Penrose <scottp at dd.com.au <mailto:scottp at dd.com.au>>
>     Sounds great.
>     I have been working on the idea of having at least a meeting every
>     second month. We could also do it through OSDC (Open Source
>     Developers' Club).
>     Scott
>     On 07/11/2009, at 5:24 PM, Roald de Wit wrote:
>         Hi mapbutcher,
>         That sounds like a great plan! Count me in. Maybe some food as
>         well?
>         Roald
>         mapbutcher wrote:
>             Hello,
>             If you're in or around Melbourne and are interested in
>             catching up for a few beers on the evening of Thursday
>             19th  then reply to the list. Pub TBC.
>             Spatial or geeky chit chat is not mandatory. Feel free to
>             forward onto all your map friendly friends.
>             Simon
>             PS Are there things we should be doing as a local chapter
>             which would benefit from a face to face meet i.e. so we
>             can get beyond a chapter 'in-formation'
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Roald de Wit
Software Engineer
roald.dewit at lisasoft.com

Commercial Support for Open Source GIS Software

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