[Aust-NZ] Fwd: [OSGeo-Discuss] WMS Performance Shootout at FOSS4G 2009

Bruce Bannerman bruce.bannerman.osgeo at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 19:20:08 EDT 2009


> -----Original Message-----
> From: discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
> [mailto:discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Tyler
> Mitchell (OSGeo)
> Sent: Wednesday, 7 October 2009 4:32 AM
> To: OSGeo Discussions
> Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] WMS Performance Shootout at FOSS4G 2009
> Sydney, Australia. 5 October 2009. http://2009.foss4g.org
> GeoServer, MapServer, and ArcGIS Server will be competing for
> the title of "Fastest Web Map Server (WMS)" at the FOSS4G
> 2009 conference at the end of October. The Web Mapping
> Performance Shoot-out compares Web Map Servers in a variety
> of real world use cases.
> This third installment of the FOSS4G shoot-out looks to be
> even more exciting with the introduction of a team from ESRI.
> "ESRI supports interoperability with the OSGeo and open
> source community" says Satish Sankaran, PhD., ESRI Product
> Manager for Interoperability, " and, as such, are happy to
> participate in the OSGEO demonstration-'shootout'
> at FOSS4G. We are also participating in the OGC's Climate
> Change Integration Plugfest at FOSS4G, and with our
> colleagues from 52North who will be in the technical exhibits area."
> The performance shoot-out will see GeoServer, MapServer, and
> ArcGIS Server compared in terms of how long they take to
> generate a map image, from a common set of spatial data. The
> data formats used will be shapefile, geotiff, ECW,
> PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Oracle Spatial, and SDE on Oracle.
> Benchmarking scripts will be executed on a common platform
> running Red Hat Linux.
> GeoServer will be represented by Andrea Aime (OpenGeo) and
> Simone Giannecchini (GeoSolutions). "With the rapid expansion
> of GeoServer's capabilities each year, these benchmarking
> exercises are an excellent forum for us to test it in new and
> challenging ways," said Chris Holmes, Managing Director of
> OpenGeo and founder of the GeoServer project.
> One of the most important 'rules of engagement' for each Web
> server team is that all parties must contribute any changes
> that they make to their software for this exercise, back to
> their community. As explained by Steve Lime, founder of
> Mapserver, "Past benchmarking presentations have brought
> about many improvements in the servers, such as MapServer's
> improvements in large shapefile indexing, raster read
> optimization, and labeling placement. The MapServer Project
> Steering Committee is excited to help with this presentation again."
> MapServer will be represented by Daniel Morissette
> (Mapgears), Jeff McKenna (Gateway Geomatics), and Frank Warmerdam.
> For more information about the Web mapping performance
> shootout, see the wiki at:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Benchmarking_2009, or follow along
> discussions in the benchmarking mailing list at:
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/benchmarking.
> == About FOSS4G ==
> FOSS4G is the international Free and Open Source Software for
> Geospatial conference, which comes to Sydney, Australia,
> 20-23 October 2009. FOSS4G offers presentations, workshops,
> demos, an install-fest, and a code sprint. It is presented by
> the world's best Developers, Policy Makers, Sponsors and
> Geospatial Professionals and includes the latest geospatial
> applications, standards, government programs, business
> processes and case studies. Topics include mobile platforms,
> location based applications, crowd sourcing, cloud computing,
> development, spatial standards, integration of cross-agency
> data, Spatial Data Infrastructures, Sensor Webs, Web
> Processing Services, Integration of Open Source and
> Proprietary Software and more.
> == Upcoming milestones ==
> 20 Oct 2009, FOSS4G Workshop
> 21-23 Oct 2009, FOSS4G Presentations and Tutorials
> 24 Oct 2009, FOSS4G Code Sprint
> == Media Sponsors ==
> Position Magazine: http://www.positionmag.com.au/ Asian
> Surveying and Mapping Newsletter: http://www.asmmag.com
> Geoconnexions Magazine: http://www.geoconnexion.com/
> Directions Magazine: http://directionsmag.com/ GIS
> Development: http://gisdevelopment.net/ Baliz Media:
> http://www.BALIZ-MEDIA.com/
> SlashGeo: http://slashgeo.org
> For more information or to keep informed from the FOSS4G
> Organising Committee, join our email list or twitter feed at:
> http://2009.foss4g.org/about_us/
> or contact:
> Cameron Shorter, Chair of the FOSS4G Organising Committee and
> Geospatial Systems Architect at LISAsoft tel +61-2-8570-5050
> c a m e r o n . s h o r t e r @ l i s a s o f t . c o m
> _______________________________________________
> Foss4g2009 mailing list
> Foss4g2009 at lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/foss4g2009
> _______________________________________________
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss at lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
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