[Aust-NZ] FOSS4G-2009 - Volunteers needed to help pack conference satchels

Rob Atkinson robatkinson101 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 06:26:27 EDT 2009

I dont know my own movements in detail yet - I wont be able to do
Monday but may be able to help Tuesday after my tutorial session.


On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 9:24 PM, mapbutcher <mapbutcher at mapbutcher.com> wrote:
> Bruce,
> Harley and I arrive Tuesday am - around 9:30...ish, I'm not involved in
> workshops AFAIK (can't speak for Harley) and we could bring up the rear in
> terms of satchel stuffing i.e. if the Monday effort concentrates on getting
> as many completed as they can, we can complete what's left on Tuesday?
> I figure that most delegates will register on the Wednesday morning, leaving
> us Tuesday to complete, it would be ideal to get them all done on Monday,
> but this may be a fall back plan
> Simon
> 2009/10/7 Bruce Bannerman <bruce at bannerman.id.au>
>> Hi everyone,
>> We still need a few volunteers to help pack conference satchels.
>> We're trying to save $1,500 which we think could be better spent on
>> pizza and drinks for the code sprint.
>> We're aiming for 6 to 10 volunteers.
>> Please add your name to the volunteers list at:
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2009_Volunteers#Stuffing_Conference_delegate_bags
>> When and Where:
>> At this stage we're planning for 9am on Monday 19th October at the
>> Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre.
>> Please check the above link in case of changed details closer to the
>> event.
>> I estimate that the task will take a few hours to do.
>> Bruce Bannerman
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