[Aust-NZ] Sahana [was OSM Conference in 2011] [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Gavin Treadgold gt at kestrel.co.nz
Thu Apr 22 23:46:25 EDT 2010

On 2010-04-23, at 15:41 , Bruce Bannerman wrote:
> Would you like to expand on this?

Sorry Bruce :)

Sahana is a FOSS disaster management application that was first developed in the response to the tsunami in Sri Lanaka, and has since been deployed in a number of countries including the US (the NYC Office of Emergency Management is using it). We are currently expanding our spatial capabilities, and are very keen to try and us the OSGeo Live disk as one potential future platform to build upon the spatial stack that is being constructed there.

Last year we formed the Sahana Software Foundation, and are currently working hard to set the foundation up to develop a long term sustainable platform for the development and maintenance. As well as growing commercial opportunities.

I have to dash out to a meeting now, but feel free to ask more specific questions, and I'll answer questions over the weekend.

Cheers Gavin

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