[Aust-NZ] Surveying for Mapping

Ross Charles Johnson rossgo at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 4 18:18:56 EST 2010


From: Susie.Salisbury at ga.gov.au [mailto:Susie.Salisbury at ga.gov.au] 
Sent: Friday, 5 February 2010 9:43 AM
Subject: Surveying for Mapping 
The final Module of the Fundamentals of Mapping went live last night – Surveying for Mapping.  
The homepage is:          http://www.icsm.gov.au/mapping/index.html 
The next, and final step in creating the complete package, is to develop an Education add-on.  
Susie Salisbury
ICSM Executive Officer
Phone          (02) 6249 9677    
Mobile          0419 694 669       
Email            mailto:icsm @ga.gov.au 
Internet        http://www.icsm.gov.au/ 
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