[Aust-NZ] FOSS4G-AU unconference themes

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Sun Oct 7 00:51:48 PDT 2012

Thanks for kicking things off last week Ben / Nathan. 

There are three things to do in the short term with respect to organisation.

1) promotion 
2) identification of interesting themes
3) promotion

Even without very much in the way of (1) and (3) above we have 7 RSVPs (http://www.meetup.com/osgeo-aust-nz/events/83965312/), and also a some discussion on that website around possible themes. Even though the format is open it is good to prep a few broad themes allowing attendees to prepare content. 

1) Nathan is interesting in doing something with QGIS, and may be in position to demo his tablet app 

"Just wondering if anyone is interested in me covering something to do with QGIS? I have a new project at http://nathanw2.github.com/qmap/ which I could use as a started, or anything of my blog."

2) David Pullar may be able to take an education track (Nathan and David recently had a workshop at the Queensland Surveying and Spatial Conference

3) Ben has mentioned CSIRO being interested in 3D visualisation

Tisham Dhar are you still around and in position to speak on some of your work on NASA World Wind?

Jody Garnett

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