[Aust-NZ] Australian Datum Modernisation Update

Ross Johnson rossgo at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 4 20:08:21 PST 2016


Then GDA Modernisation Implementation Working Group (GMIWG) met in Melbourne on 28 and 29 November and confirmed some key decisions. The ICSM pages are now updated with that new information however a summary is as follows:


*        The first Datum animation video, Modernising Australia's Datum<https://vimeo.com/191566518/f1daaae92d>, is released and available for viewing and download from the ICSM pages.

*        We have produced a fact sheet, Australia's Datum Modernisation: what you need to know<http://www.icsm.gov.au/gda2020/DatumMattersFactSheet1.pdf> to provide a simple explanation of the change for a non-technical audience.

*        We have made some changes to the Modernising Australia's Datum website<http://www.icsm.gov.au/gda2020/index.html> in preparation for adding new content in coming months. In the New Year you will notice a complete new look for the whole ICSM site.

*        An online moderated forum is in the process of being finalised and is expected to be in use by January 2017.

Technical transformation

*       CORS providers have met in Melbourne in November and confirmed that once transformation parameters are received and tested, support for the new Datum should be available by late 2017.

*       The 'adoption date' for GDA2020 has been reviewed and agreed that all jurisdictions will be progressively developing support for the new Datum during 2017, and as software houses and new transformation tools are available, users will be able to consume transformed data, or transform it themselves by mid-2018.

*       Online transformation tools are being developed, and some specific work to develop a front end interface for open source products will be commissioned. This will then be posted to GitHub for further adaptation by the open source community.

*       The complex task of the national adjustment and transformation grid is nearing completion and is expected to be available for distribution by March 2017.

We invite you to visit the ICSM website<http://www.icsm.gov.au/index.html> and review the latest information.

On behalf of the working group I would like to wish you a happy and safe festive season.


Michael Giudici   |   Surveyor General

Land Tasmania

Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment

134 Macquarie Street Hobart TAS 7000

GPO Box 44 Hobart TAS 7001

T: 03 6165 4121   |   M: 0447 168 189   |   E: Michael.Giudici at dpipwe.tas.gov.au<mailto:Michael.Giudici at dpipwe.tas.gov.au>

www.dpipwe.tas.gov.au<http://www.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/>   |   www.thelist.tas.gov.au<http://www.thelist.tas.gov.au/>   |   www.tasmap.tas.gov.au<http://www.tasmap.tas.gov.au/>

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