[Aust-NZ] April #geobeerCBR

adam steer adam.d.steer at gmail.com
Sat Apr 21 18:18:06 PDT 2018

Oh my - much to my embarrassment I failed to change topics on my post about
#geobeerCBR - which is now part of the threaded discussion about Cameron’s
excellent policy statement. my vast apologies for wrong-threading!

Popping this into it’s own thread here.

On 22 April 2018 at 09:23, adam steer <adam.d.steer at gmail.com> wrote:

> g’day aust-NZ OSgeo folks,
> If you’re around Canberra on 26 April (this coming Thursday), join Edoardo
> Neerhut (Mapillary) and myself for #geobeerCBR - we’ll meet at the Wig n'
> Pen, at 6pm: https://goo.gl/maps/J7fLu1SD98D2
> I look like this: https://www.spatialised.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/
> 04/thredbo_river_selfie.jpg?w=1480 - and will wear my orange beanie
> unless it gets way too warm (unlikely, it’s Canberra…) or stick it on a
> table number post or something.
> No formal discussion or agenda - it’s a social meet n greet with
> discussion about things geospatial if that’s how it rolls. Or geopolitics,
> or how many awesome flowers are blooming on the day, or which bicycle
> grease you prefer for Canberra winters.... You don’t even have to like beer!
> Cheers
> Adam
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