[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Re: [Live-demo] What dataset should your
application use on the LiveDVD?
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
jsanz at osgeo.org
Fri Jun 11 02:54:58 EDT 2010
Hash: SHA1
El 11/06/10 03:03, Cameron Shorter escribió:
> As we are running into physical size limits of the LiveDVD, and as we
> wish to provide a level of consistency across applications, the next
> OSGeo Live DVD will include a common dataset which we will encourage all
> applications to make use of.
> For this coming release, we will not mandate use of the common dataset,
> but we encourage projects to use it if they can. (We will likely be
> mandating projects to use the common dataset in future releases)
> So our next question is "What dataset should we use?".
> * The dataset needs to be reasonably timeless - (we don't want to ask
> projects repackage new datasets every year)
> * We want to cover a representative set of layers.
> * We want the datasets to be able to be made to look "sexy".
> * We want to keep the size of the datasets to a minimum.
> * The data needs to be available with a suitable open licence.
> Unless someone suggests a better source, we will be using the data from:
> http://www.naturalearthdata.com/downloads/
> Which layers would be suitable for projects?
> I suggest:
> 1:50m Cultural layer
> Admin (countries & states) polygons
> Populated places - points
> http://www.naturalearthdata.com/downloads/50m-cultural-vectors/
> 21 Meg uncompressed (less if we trim)
> 1:50m River and Lake Centerlines - lines
> http://www.naturalearthdata.com/downloads/50m-physical-vectors/
> ~ 400K uncompressed
> 1:50m Natural Earth 1 with shaded relief and water, raster:
> http://www.naturalearthdata.com/downloads/50m-raster-data/50m-natural-earth-1/
> 171 Meg uncompressed
The gvSIG sample project uses uDig and OpenJUMP sample data :-)
With more time I would like to add also PostGIS and any OGC service is
running on the LiveDVD... but first I have to got gvSIG installed!
Note that the Cartography Institute of Catalonia will free a sample
dataset, it would be great to have it at the LiveDVD if it's not too
much disk space. Anyway, we don't know when it will be ready so I
wouldn't count with it for this version.
- --
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
Ingeniero en Geodesia y Cartografía
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