[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Editorial GeoReport
Ruiz Almar, Ernest
ERuiz at amb.cat
Tue Jul 26 05:58:53 EDT 2011
Tema recurrent però que sempre fa pensar... el síndrome siguiente: "siguiente,siguiente,siguiente,finalizar")
Ernest Ruiz
Editor's Note
· Can technology become too easy to use?<http://www.geoplace.com/Console/Common/RssEmailBroadcast/Activity.asp?ReportName=929718C3D509463DAB8A4EF9DD622E65\2011-07-26-2-00-09-AM.xml&EmailURL=http://www.geoplace.com/ME2/dirmod.asp?sid=&nm=&type=MultiPublishing&mod=PublishingTitles&mid=13B2F0D0AFA04476A2ACC02ED28A405F&tier=4&id=A2F9EB55CA26488FA2485255B381D71D>
One thing that struck me from many of the sessions and interviews that I listened to at the Esri User Conference in San Diego was how everything is becoming much simpler to use. Call it the "Apple Effect."
Everything from complicated GIS analyses (as demonstrated there in Esri's upcoming ArcGIS 10.1, expected to launch in Q1 2012) to simple smartphone apps (as seen in a demonstration from Accela, among others) all were being accomplished with the click of a button or a drag and a drop. It all seems very wonderful, and it makes using powerful technology so much easier.
But it had me wondering if technology will soon make everything "too easy." Are we near the stage where computers take care of everything we need to do? And will this get to the point where only a few people really know how things work, while most of us simply click the buttons that make everything happen.
The digital calculator ruined people's abilities to be able to do long division. The word processor has curtailed our ability to write with a pen. And now many complicated processes performed by very intelligent people are being carried out at the press of a button. Will schooling become a place where students merely learn how to "press all of the right buttons?"
Don't get me wrong, I'll be fine with a robotic maid taking care of me just like George Jetson, but who will be able to "fix something" if and when things go wrong?
Todd Danielson<http://www.geoplace.com/Console/Common/RssEmailBroadcast/Activity.asp?ReportName=929718C3D509463DAB8A4EF9DD622E65\2011-07-26-2-00-09-AM.xml&EmailURL=mailto:tdanielson@geoplace.com>
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