[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Foursquare se pasa a OSM

Oscar Fonts oscar.fonts at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 04:41:43 EST 2012


"When we initially began looking around for other map providers, we
found some incredibly strong alternatives. And while the new Google
Maps API pricing was the reason we initially started looking into
other solutions, we ultimately ended up switching because, after all
our research and testing, OpenStreetMap and MapBox was simply the best
fit for us."

Vaja, que a la que compares una mica, pots trobar millors eines que GMaps.

Per cert, MapBox utilitza TileMill com a eina de simbolització (ja
veieu que es poden fer mapes molt macos). Hi ha un taller de TileMill
a Girona, i tenim pendent repetir-ho als Geoinquiets un dia d'aquests.
Com que l'ICC diu que ha """"alliberat"""" les seves dades, potser
podriem fer una simbolització més personalitzada de la BT25M, adequada
per a excursionistes, ara que és completa... ;)



2012/2/29 Iván Sánchez Ortega <ivan at sanchezortega.es>:
> http://blog.foursquare.com/2012/02/29/foursquare-is-joining-the-openstreetmap-
> movement-say-hi-to-pretty-new-maps/
> --
> ----------------------------------
> Iván Sánchez Ortega <ivan at sanchezortega.es> <ivan at geonerd.org>
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