[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Close-Search Open Workshop

Assumpcio Termens atermens at gmail.com
Mon May 7 03:44:24 EDT 2012

Bon dia,

un workshop online sobre UAVs (www.close-search-project.eu) organitzat per
l'Institut de Geomàtica.

*Venue: **CLOSE-SEARCH Open Workshop*

*Goal: *
*-**         **present the concept and developments achieved within the
project, and*
*-**         **foster the discussion among technology providers, research
groups and interested users. *

*Type: *On-line event / free registration

*Date: *May, 15th – 3 PM (UTC+2)

*Agenda:  *
·       Introduction to the project
·       On UAV-based search operations
·       Technology in CLOSE-SEARCH
*·**         *Q&A

* *

*Please, to confirm your participation, **send your Name, email address and
time zone to**: pere.molinaaideg.es. This information will be used
exclusively to create your entry on the on-line platform. In addition, we
encourage you to **forward this invitation to anyone that might be
interested** on registering for the event. *
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