[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Feina? ICC
Alexandre Nobajas
nobita64 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 10 09:42:53 PDT 2013
M'ha arribat aixo des de la Universitat de Leicester a través del Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment de Mila, per si és del vostre interes:
The Institut Cartografic de Catalunya has launched a
Scholarship program for excellent international students participating in the
IC_Cartotechnology Postgraduate (www,iccartoetchnology.com) Program.
The scholarship consists of an allowance of 2500 €, corresponding
to the 50% of the Postgraduate Program enrolment fee. The deadline to apply for
the scholarship will be 20th July 2013. The decision will be taken by the
Coordination Committee on 3rd September
2013 the latest. Candidates must complete the pre-enrolment form before
applying for the scholarships.
Visit the official website to check the application
instructions and extra detailed information:
Let us inform about how to follow our activity at twiter:
@cartotechnology, and LINKEDIN GROUP: IC_Cartotechnology
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