[Geoinquiets Barcelona] LiDAR drone system maps height of rainforest for the first time

Assumpcio Termens atermens a gmail.com
dll mar 31 09:29:28 PDT 2014

pointrees posted: "Carbomap, a UK forest mapping company today announced
that it has collaborated with l’Avion Jaune S.A.R.L and IRD (Institut de
recherche pour le développement) in France to complete the first canopy
height model of a rainforest using data from the first t"

   Assumpcio Temrens
(atermens a gmail.com<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','atermens a gmail.com');>)
shared a post from Carbomap news

 *LiDAR drone system maps height of rainforest for the first

by *pointrees* <http://carbomap.wordpress.com/author/pointrees/>

Carbomap, a UK forest mapping company today announced that it has
collaborated with l’Avion Jaune S.A.R.L and IRD (Institut de recherche pour
le développement) in France to complete the first canopy height model of a
rainforest using data from the … *Continue reading

*Read more of this

*pointrees <http://carbomap.wordpress.com/author/pointrees/>* | March 25,
2014 at 9:49 am | Tags: *biomass*<http://carbomap.wordpress.com/tag/biomass/>,
*deforestation* <http://carbomap.wordpress.com/tag/deforestation/>,
*forest* <http://carbomap.wordpress.com/tag/forest/>, *forest
*forest ecosystems* <http://carbomap.wordpress.com/tag/forest-ecosystems/>,
*lidar* <http://carbomap.wordpress.com/tag/lidar/>,
*tree* <http://carbomap.wordpress.com/tag/tree/>,
*uav*<http://carbomap.wordpress.com/tag/uav/>| Categories:
*Carbon* <http://carbomap.wordpress.com/category/carbon/>, *Remote
Sensing*<http://carbomap.wordpress.com/category/remote-sensing/>| URL:
*http://wp.me/p1z2l9-5M* <http://wp.me/p1z2l9-5M>


   *See all comments*<http://carbomap.wordpress.com/2014/03/25/lidar-drone-system-maps-height-of-rainforest-for-the-first-time/#comments>

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