[Geoinquiets Barcelona] census data & shapefiles

Georgia Bullen georgia a opentechinstitute.org
dll set 8 12:22:51 PDT 2014

Hello All,

Apologies if this has been asked here before (and for asking in English,
but my Spanish isn't very good!), but I'm trying to work with the Spanish
Census data and the shapefiles I've found for the census areas.

Basically, I believe with the data from the Census, I need to create an ID
that matches to the polygons in the shapefile to join.

In the census files, I have:
cpro (2) + cmun (3) + dist (3) + secc (3) --> which concatenantes to a 10
digit number

In the shapefiles I have:
Municipi (6 digits) + Districte (2) + Seccio (3) --> which is an 11 digit

Has anyone encountered this before? Am I using the wrong fields from one of
the data sets? Is there a better set to use?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!


Georgia Bullen
Field Operations Technologist
Open Technology Institute <http://oti.newamerica.org/> @ New America
@georgiamoon <http://twitter.com/georgiamoon>
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