[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Job vacancy in research
Nit Lo
anitalocher a gmail.com
dic set 17 01:23:40 PDT 2014
*From: *"Maribel Yasmina Santos (AGILE Secretary-General)" <
agile.secretary a gmail.com>
*Subject: **Job Vacancy: Research Associate in Spatial Intelligence*
*Date: *16. September 2014 19:09:57 MESZ
*To: *Maribel Yasmina Santos <agile.secretary a gmail.com>
*** Job Vacancy: Research Associate in Spatial Intelligence ***
The Spatial Intelligence Lab (http://sil.uni-muenster.de/) invites
applications for a *Research Associate in Spatial Intelligence (Doctoral
Researcher or Post-Doctoral Researcher, E 13 TV-L) * in one of our research
projects. We are seeking either a doctoral or post-doctoral researcher. The
salary level is E 13 TV-L, which amounts to approximately 3450-4000€ gross
(depending on experience). This fixed-term post is available for a one-year
period, but can be extended. Currently, the regular full employment time is
39 hours and 50 minutes per week. Teaching load is 4 hours per week for a
full-time position.
Research Project: Wayfinding Through Orientation
This research project aims at a new wayfinding paradigm that supports users
in orientation, spatial learning, and cognitive mapping. We analyze human
wayfinding instructions, elicit information supporting orientation and
develop new ways to present these instructions. We conduct wayfinding
experiments and developing prototypes for mobile wayfinding assistance
systems using orientation information. Further information on
Research Project: Spatial Learning
This research project aims at supporting children and young adults in
advancing their spatial competencies. We develop technology-supported games
to train users in spatial competencies such as self-orientation,
wayfinding, and mapping. Besides children, future interest groups involve
elderly people as well. We develop tools for spatial learning such as
educational games based on geo-technologies and conduct on-site user
Research Project: SketchMapia
SketchMapia is a framework for collecting, automatically analyzing and
integrating information from (hand-drawn) sketch maps into geographic
information systems. Sketch maps are an intuitive way to communicate
spatial information that does not require any cartographic and
technological expertise and has high potential for volunteered geographic
information. We analyze spatial information through qualitative spatial
analysis techniques. Further information on www.sketchmapia.de
Applicants should have a keen interest in interdisciplinary research and a
background in at least one of the following disciplines: GI Science,
computer science, or cognitive science. Applicants should submit a CV and a
1-page statement of interest specifying which research project(s) they are
interested in, how their interests/expertise would contribute to the
project, and outline the preferred starting time. The University of Münster
is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the
proportion of women academics. Consequently, we actively encourage
applications by women. Female candidates with equivalent qualifications and
academic achievements will be preferentially considered within the
framework of the legal possibilities. We also welcome applications from
candidates with disabilities. Disabled candidates with equivalent
qualifications will be preferentially considered.
Please submit your application by e-mail no later than Oct 5th to
schwering a uni-muenster.de.
*Maribel Yasmina Santos*
Secretary-General AGILE
*João Galvão*
External Officer for AGILE Secretary
Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe
agile.secretary a gmail.com
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