[Geoinquiets Barcelona] FW: PhD Studentship - Navigation Support for Blind and Partially Sighted People.

Termens Perarnau, Assumpció assumpcio.termens a icgc.cat
dij nov 12 06:29:40 PST 2015



From: Canadian Space Geodesy Forum [mailto:CANSPACE a listserv.unb.ca] On Behalf Of Terry Moore
Sent: 12 November 2015 14:52
Subject: PhD Studentship - Navigation Support for Blind and Partially Sighted People.

PhD Studentship in partnership with the Satellite Applications Catapult
and the Royal National Institute of Blind People
Reference  SCI1494
Closing Date  Monday, 4th January 2016

PhD Studentship in partnership with the Satellite Applications Catapult and the Royal National Institute of Blind People

The technologies of digital identity and personal data raise some of the most profound technical and social challenges facing our digital society today. Our digital identities will define the interfaces to the future services that we will use for entertainment, wellbeing, government, transport, energy, retail and finance. They will be constructed from our location history, our personal data, and digital records that capture who, and where, we are and the histories of our digital, and increasingly our physical and social, interactions.  The Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training in My Life in Data will therefore train a community of PhD students with the interdisciplinary skills to address the challenge of digital identity and personal data for the 21st century.

We are recruiting one PhD student to carry out research in partnership with the Satellite Applications Catapult and the Royal National Institute of Blind People with a focus on using personal data to configure navigation support for blind and partially sighted people.

Positioning and navigation technologies and Location-based services (LBS) have great potential to support blind and partially sighted people, as particular subsets of an enormous LBS consumer market. This research will investigate the potential blend of available new location technologies on low-cost devices and will explore how the services might be enhanced by the capture and analysis of personal data to build a profile of an individual’s personal needs and history whilst maintaining security of the personal and location data.  Furthermore the project will investigate how the data might be appropriately shared with, and added to, by the various different environments that the user visits over time.

Candidates are expected to have a background in engineering or geospatial sciences, with a competence in of one of these fields:  surveying, geomatics, positioning, navigation, location technology, geospatial science, or geospatial information.  The project will require the student to have a good level of knowledge of current positioning and navigation technology.

The student will benefit from:
·         A fully-funded four-year PhD programme that integrates a leading-edge research project with research training in interdisciplinary skills.
·         At least one internship with our partner.
·         An enhanced stipend of £16,200 per annum as well as a personal laptop.

We have funding for UK/Home, EU and international students.

Download application form from http://www.horizon.ac.uk/Current-Opportunitiesand return by email with a CV, transcripts, references and personal statement to Emma.Juggins a Nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:Emma.Juggins a Nottingham.ac.uk>.  Please quote SCI/1494.

Closing date: Closing date: 4 January 2016, Shortlisting date: 18 January 2016, Interview date: 10 February 2016


Professor Terry Moore

Director of the Nottingham Geospatial Institute
Nottingham Geospatial Building
The University of Nottingham
Innovation Park, Triumph Road
United Kingdom

email   terry.moore a nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:terry.moore a nottingham.ac.uk>
web     www.nottingham.ac.uk/ngi<http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/ngi>

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