[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Fwd: [Spanish] Fwd: [OSGeo-Jobs] Solutions Engineer and other open positions at CartoDB
Anna Muñoz
a.munyoz.b a gmail.com
dll set 14 02:10:31 PDT 2015
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jorge Sanz <jsanz at osgeo.org>
Date: 2015-09-10 14:40 GMT+02:00
Subject: [Spanish] Fwd: [OSGeo-Jobs] Solutions Engineer and other open
positions at CartoDB
To: Sistemas de información Geográfic a y Cartográfica <
SIG at listserv.rediris.es>, "PostGIS. Bases de datos espaciales. Estándares
ISO y OGC asociados." <POSTGIS at listserv.rediris.es>, Lista OSGeo Spanish <
spanish at lists.osgeo.org>
Perdón por el cross-posting, espero que sea de vuestro interés.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jorge Sanz <jsanz at cartodb.com>
Date: 9 September 2015 at 15:49
Subject: [OSGeo-Jobs] Solutions Engineer and other open positions at CartoDB
To: jobs at lists.osgeo.org
Hi all,
At CartoDB we have a number of open positions[1] across all teams. I
think the Solutions Engineer open position[2] is specially interesting
to this list audience.
So check the job description and if you are confortable working with
users, partners and the sales and support teams to help them to take
the most of a cool geospatial product (mostly of it Open Source),
please consider applying to this offer (you can name me when you apply
if you want).
[1] https://cartodb.com/jobs/
[2] https://cartodb.com/jobs/solutions-engineer/
Jorge Sanz
Solutions Engineer
CartoDB · Map Your World's Data
Jobs mailing list
Jobs at lists.osgeo.org
Jorge Sanz
GPG: 86F8 3EA0 BD19 0CA2 801D 4FB2 6B45 68E4 6FB2 D89D
Spanish mailing list
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