[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Fwd: job position for graduates

Assumpcio Termens atermens a gmail.com
dic feb 17 02:06:06 PST 2016

Bon dia,

us reenvio informació sobre un lloc de treball a Fugro que m'han fet


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Magdalena Drozdz
Date: 2016-02-16 13:54 GMT+01:00
Subject: job position for graduates
To: Assumpció Térmens <atermens a gmail.com>

Dear Assumpcio Termens,

I found contact to you through Galileo for Gravity project.
I writhing because we have a position opening within our R&D department and
thought that it might be interesting for your students and graduates.

My name is Magdalena and I lead INS team within our R&D department. We
mainly work on INS and sensor integration in order to provide a robust and
accurate position for remotely operated underwater vehicles.
Within the team we develop algorithms and also improvement them in order to
provide a software package for our clients (mainly oil and gas sector).

As I mentioned we have an open position within our team – we look for an
algorithm expert. I attached the job description.
I thought that our position could be interesting for your
students/graduates and I would be extremely grateful if you could propagate
it within your network.
Thank you a lot in advance.

Kind regards,
Fugro Intersite B.V.

Magdalena Drozdz


*óıɔdɯnssɐ   *

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