[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Feines UK

Elena Sauleda elena.sauleda a gmail.com
div mar 4 00:44:11 PST 2016

Today's Topics:

   1. Looking for two software developers (Web-GIS experience desirable)


Message: 1

Dear all,

We’re currently advertising two jobs, one of which is connected with the
MELODIES project (http://www.melodiesproject.eu) and the other connected
with the Institute for Environmental Analytics. Both are based at the
University of Reading, UK:

2. http://www.the-iea.org/jobs.html

In both of these jobs, experience of GIS and Web-GIS will be considered
desirable. Please see the adverts and the linked “further particulars” for
more details.

Best wishes,

Dr Jon Blower,
Director of Science,
Institute for Environmental Analytics
University of Reading
Tel: +44 118 378 5213
Email: j.blower a the-iea.org


Elena Sauleda
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