[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Fwd: KNIME Flash - Early Bird Registration for KNIME Spring Summit
Assumpcio Termens
atermens a gmail.com
dim gen 23 11:19:44 PST 2018
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From: KNIME Announcements <announcements-noreply a knime.com>
Date: 2018-01-23 16:17 GMT+01:00
Subject: KNIME Flash - Early Bird Registration for KNIME Spring Summit
To: atermens a gmail.com
January 2018
Hi there,
Planning is well underway for the KNIME Spring Summit on March 5 – 9, 2018
in Berlin, Germany. We have a number of training courses, presentations,
and workshops lined up, designed to show all the cool things you can do
with KNIME software. The Summit is a great opportunity to meet and network
with other KNIME users and enthusiasts, as well as learn a new thing or
two. There is also an exciting social program to round off a day’s work!
*Have you registered yet?* If not, you can do so via the event page
*Register by January 31, 2018, to receive a 25% early bird discount.*
Monday and Tuesday are for learning! Our courses
cover topics from getting started with KNIME Analytics Platform to Big
Data, Text Mining, IoT Analytics, and more. A highlight this year is Dean
Abbott’s course on the Power of Random: Using Perturbation Experiments to
Improve Model Accuracy and Interpretation.
Have you seen our speaker line-up for the main Summit on Wednesday and
Thursday? There will be presentations and workshops on a wide range of data
analytics topics you can solve with KNIME. We have recently added a few
more speakers to the list: Georg Knübel (Henkel Beauty Care), Matthias
Nolte (Berliner Sparkasse), Andrew Ruegger (GroupM), Allan Luk and Eric Lin
(Seagate), Arne Beckhaus (Continental), Michael Hettich (Landesbank
Baden-Württemberg), and Ian Ferrell (Which?).
Once registered, remember to secure your accommodation at Hotel Berlin,
Berlin. Please use this link
for the group *“KNIME SPRING SUMMIT 2018”* to benefit from the special
Summit rate which ensures you a superior room, including breakfast. We
advise booking your room early.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Your KNIME Team
*Copyright © 2018 KNIME AG, All rights reserved.*
*Our mailing address is:*
Technoparkstrasse 1
8005 Zurich, Switzerland
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