[Geoinquiets Barcelona] Rafagas handover survey results

Jorge Sanz xurxosanz a gmail.com
dij nov 8 01:49:35 PST 2018

Rafagas handover survey results

Wed, 07 Nov 2018 by Jorge Sanz

*71 people* participated in the survey <http://bit.ly/rafagas-2-feedback>,
most of them were current readers and mostly coming from the *mailing lists*
 in Catalan, even a significant number also used *Twitter* as the way to
consume them.

*More than half* of the participants would be interested on sending links,
and quite a few would be willing to help on curating them. As most of the
people answering the survey come from the Catalan speaking mailing lists,
language preference would also be first *Catalan*, then *English*.

Finally, the majority of the participants agree on a *weekly* basis.

A few highlight comments:

“Love it. Maybe too much. Condense a bit”

“I use the links to share current GIS events with students.”

“Being honest, I didn’t know about it and it is a shame that I missed it. I
had a look before answer the survey and I really like the idea and sources.
I think it is really good resource and quite interesting for Gis
professionals or map lovers.

“This is a wonderful resource that I use often . . . I am a teacher in
Kathmandu, Nepal at an international school. These resources are great to
bring into the classroom. I am thankful that an old university friend that
works at Carto in DC turned me on to this. I am hopeful that this will
continue. Cheers!”

You have more details about the survey at the shared document
<http://bit.ly/rafagas-2> for this effort.

Jorge Sanz
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