[OSGeo.be-Announce] JRC is hiring a 5-month trainee for agriculture crowdsourcing benchmarking

Raphaël d'Andrimont raphael.dandrimont at gmail.com
Fri Sep 29 00:30:21 PDT 2017

Dear osgeo list,

We are hiring a 5-month trainee.
Please find  the offer below.

Best regards,


*2017-IPR-D-000-9132 Benchmarking different crowd sourcing apps to map and
locate crops*

*Short description of activity*:
The Food Security Unit contributes scientific expertise towards a more
effective and efficient management of EU policies related to agriculture
and food security, including the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP). The
trainee position and research activities are part of the H2020 funded
project LandSense <https://landsense.eu/>. The overall aim of the LandSense
project is to build an innovative citizen observatory in the field of Land
Use and Land Use Change, which collects data both actively (through
citizens) and passively (from authoritative, open access, and other
citizen-based initiatives). The trainee will contribute to the agricultural
component of the project and in particular on benchmarking different mobile
crowd sourcing applications currently used to map, locate and collect crop
data. This ground data is valuable information specifically in the context
of the development of services underpinned by observations made with the
Copernicus Sentinel suite of satellites. By accomplishing concrete and
diverse tasks in an innovative context, the trainee will develop skills and
expertise in fields survey including geodesy, remote sensing GIS and
agronomy. In particular, the trainee will develop measures to benchmark
apps, possibilities for data sharing and data re-use, and perform practical
field based benchmarking tests. Moreover, support will be given to help the
trainee to write the findings up in a scientific paper.


 BSc University degree in agronomy, data sciences, environmental sciences
or related fields.
 Basic remote sensing analysis, practical geodesy skills (use of GPS) and
GIS skills are required.
 Good knowledge of spoken and written English (B2 level minimum).


 Experience with crowd sourcing, citizen science, coding, open data and
data analysis would be a plus.
 Field experience in agriculture (ability to monitor agricultural
practices, crop types and plant development stages) is an asset.

5 months located in European Commission Join research Center, Ispra, Italy

*Detailed offer:*

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