[Belgium] Fwd: [OSGeo-Discuss] Short report on OpenGIS-Moscow

Dirk Frigne dirk.frigne at geosparc.com
Tue Dec 1 00:06:05 PST 2015

Dear list,

Sorry for the cross-posting for those reading the discuss-list.
But if Moscow has 415 attendees for their second event, we should
prepare for our second FOSS4G event.

The BE Board will start with the planning soon!


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] Short report on OpenGIS-Moscow
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2015 17:32:13 -0400
From: Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>
To: osgeo <discuss at lists.osgeo.org>

Hello everyone,

Last week I had the opportunity to attend the OpenGIS conference in
Moscow, Russia (http://gisconf.ru).  The venue was really nice, the huge
headquarters of @mail.ru Group (http://mail.ru), Moscow's largest
hi-tech company (2000 employees I believe), who in fact just purchased
an OpenStreetMap-based mapping application, MAPS.ME (http://maps.me).

Much of the credit for the event must go to Maxim, the chair, and his
company NextGIS (http://nextgis.ru/), who sponsored and dedicated so
much effort; the entire organizing committee deserves much praise, and
you likely will recognize many of them from past FOSS4G events

Roughly 415 attendees for the second OpenGIS event (the first was held
in 2012, with around 100 attendees) which is just excellent.  This was a
free event, meaning no admission charge, and attendees paid for their
lunches in the local cafeteria.  There were 2 tracks, one for FOSS4G
software and the other for OpenStreetMap; OSM is very active here, and
many will be aware of the locally-developed "OsmAnd" application.

The topics and talks were cutting-edge, this was a very knowledgeable
group, and very interested in the OSGeo foundation.  There was quite a
buzz at the event, and I saw packed workshop "master classes" for GRASS,
QGIS, and other core projects, and everyone was very energetic.  There
were many talks that mentioned their involvement in GeoForAll as well, I
couldn't be more impressed with their enthusiasm and passion for Open
Source geo.

Also of note is that like many other countries/municipalities across the
globe, their prime minister has signed a law that requires government
agencies to use Open Source software, which must be in place by January
2016, so there is a huge interested in FOSS.

Many will also be interested to hear that there is already talk of an
event for next year, in beautiful St. Petersburg.  So mark your
calendars!  You don't want to miss that event.

It was a special trip, I met so many vibrant energetic community
leaders.  And oh yes, because of this event a new OSGeo local chapter is
forming there, which is great!!!  Thank you to Maxim, Nikolai, the OSGeo
Board, and everyone at the OpenGIS event for making this such a special

You can see many pictures of the event here:


Jeff McKenna
President, OSGeo

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