[Belgium] Geo Dev Evening

Marc Ducobu marc.ducobu at champs-libres.coop
Tue Dec 8 09:47:35 PST 2015


I write a first draft about the Geo Dev Evening (and the first meeting
on 29-01-16) : https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo-BE-geo-dev-evening-15_01_29

Please feel free to improve it (my English is not perfect).

Is the date of the 29 January ok for everyone ?

Is it possible to have a room at the ULB ?

Have a nice evening.


Marc Ducobu
Champs Libres
+32 494 91 52 47

Champs Libres Cooperative SCRLFS
Rue Jean Bury 23 - 4000 Liège - Belgique

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