[Belgium] Our status within OSGeo

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Thu Jun 4 07:56:59 PDT 2015

Hi again,

As mentioned in my previous mail, there is the question of officialising 
our existence within OSGeo.

On the wiki the following info is given [1]:

In order to form a chapter, the following steps should be taken:

-    "OSGeo Chapter" should self-organize (for instance in the OSGeo 
wiki, via OSGeo mailing list, etc), seeking to determine if a critical 
mass of interest exists to justify a chapter.

-    "OSGeo Chapter" should prepare a mission and objectives indicating 
the scope of the planned chapter (geographic or linquistic extent for 

-    “OSGeo Chapter” should propose an official representative to liaise 
with the OSGeo Board. If accepted by the board, the representative will 
be an officer of OSGeo.

-    “OSGeo Chapter” should submit an official expression of interest to 
form a chapter to the OSGeo board, listing initial members, mission, 
representative and other supporting information.

-    The OSGeo board shall then consider passing a motion forming the 
chapter, and designating the liason officer.

We should discuss whether we want to launch this procedure now, so that 
we can officially declare ourselves the Belgian Chapter for FOSS4G-BE. 
Also: can we mention a chapter in the calls for the event now, even 
though we haven't been officially accepted by OSGeo ?


[1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Local_Chapter_Guidelines

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