[Belgium] procedure for official creation of asbl/vzw: proposed bylaws

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Sun Jun 21 09:30:10 PDT 2015

Hi all,

Please find attached a first draft of the bylaws of the asbl/vzw. I've 
used a model from [1] to draft this. They are in French as this was 
easier for me than in Dutch. I don't think we could elaborate them in 

Please read through them. I've highlighted several parts and included 
some questions. Please react.

In order to officially constitute the organisation, we have to

- file these bylaws and the register of members at the "greffe du 
tribunal de commerce"
- publish the bylaws and the list of board members in the "Moniteur"

The costs for this procedure are 181,50€.

We should probably have a legal expert read the bylaws before we file 
them, just to make sure we respect all aspects of the law and won't have 
to modify them soon (which would mean additional costs). I can see if I 
can convince some of my contacts to do this, but if you have competent 
people around you, please tell me.

Another good source of information on asbl (in French) is [2].


[1] http://www.laboiteasbl.be/
[2] http://www.assoc.be/
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