[Belgium] Salon des mandataires

Dirk Frigne dirk.frigne at geosparc.com
Tue May 19 03:29:24 PDT 2015


I think it is a good idea to represent OSGeo on such events.
The problem will be the budget.

Maybe something to consider in a package for sponsors for the FOSS4G
event, that the logo will also be exposed on this event, so that the
costs are covered before we order expo space.

We also need volunteers to be present on the booth.

I suggest to cover this further in our meeting this afternoon...


On 19-05-15 00:09, Marc Ducobu wrote:
> Dear all,
> Every year is organised the "salon des mandataires" (18 & 19 féb 2016)
> where the elected representatives come to discover solutions for their
> work / mandate (and also a lot of poeple from the administration come to
> eat free food (very important) & discover solutions).
> At this exhibition, some non-open geospatial solutions / companies are
> present (ERSI & other companies like GIM).
> I think that we must be there. What do you think about that ? ( 2014
> documents : https://cloud.champs-libres.coop/index.php/s/M9heTjJYrNQyrji )
> Also I think we can share a stand with OSM (last time we where there (in
> 2014) a lot of poeple come to ask question about OSM).
> Last think I think it is important to have kind of mini-events (like
> mini presentation of tool) to attract poeple (from the administration) &
> invite them before.
> Marc

Yours sincerely,

ir. Dirk Frigne

Geosparc n.v.
Brugsesteenweg 587
B-9030 Ghent
Tel: +32 9 236 60 18
GSM: +32 495 508 799


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