[Belgium] final draft of statutes of our asbl/vzw

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Thu Oct 1 08:10:05 PDT 2015

On 01/10/15 00:30, Dirk Frigne wrote:
> I think it is possible to extend the first year over one year, so until
> the end of 2016. This means the first general assemblee will be in the
> first trimester of 2017.
> But if you think it is better to have a first meeting in 2016, this is
> ok for me to.

I think that in order to put some dynamism into this young organisation, 
having a general assembly in Spring of 2016 is a good idea. This would 
also allow to welcome new charter members.

> 2. the term of the board members.
> I propose that a board member is elected by the general assembly for a
> term of 3 years. Re-election is possible.

3 years is a long time for volunteered activity, but I don't have a 
fixed opinion on this.

Anyone else ?


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