[Belgium] final draft of statutes of our asbl/vzw

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Tue Sep 29 09:23:32 PDT 2015

Dear all,

Please find attached the final draft of the statutes of our asbl/vzw. 
The only thing missing is some personal information of some members. 
I've contacted everyone concerned by private mail.

Please read through this final draft and let me know if you find any 
last minute bugs.

I've noticed that finally we have 8 founding members of which 7 signed 
up to constitute the board ! So, I will be the only charter member with 
the role to control the board. ;-) We'll quickly need more charter members.

Our meeting on October 5 will be the first general assembly of the 
association and we will approve and sign the statutes there. Will 
everyone be present ?

For the registration of the association, I will also need the national 
number of each of the administrators. Please send it to me by private mail.

Almost there...

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