[Belgium] Small presentation
Jonathan Beliën
jbelien at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 09:33:56 PDT 2016
Hi everyone,
Very happy to join you.
I probably met some of you yesterday at OSGeoDevEvening (very nice by the
way) and Moritz last Saturday at Missing Maps Mapathon (also very nice).
I'm a Web Developer from Brussels.
I work as employee in a small company from Laeken (Brussels) named GEO-6
since 2005.
We mainly develop web applications using web mapping.
At first we used our own MapServer (developed by a former employee -
running under Windows to display MapInfo files) with our own JavaScript
library to display and interact with the map. Yes, we totally reinvented
the wheel ... not very clever I agree.
In 2013, we finally decided to switch from Windows to Linux and switch from
our custom map applications (difficult to maintain) to open-source
solutions. We choose to use OSGeo MapServer, Leaflet JS Library and the
power of GDAL library. Very (VERY) happy to have switched even if today I
regret to have chosen Leaflet over OpenLayers (which seemed a little bit
"old") and so currently (slowly) migrating from Leaflet to OpenLayers 3.
I also work as Freelance Web Developer on my spare time. Also in web
development but not "limited" to web mapping applications.
I'm an OpenStreetMap member since 2012 but did my first real contribution
last Saturday (not very proud about having waited 4 years to finally
contribute) : http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/jbelien
Small publicity on a personnal project :
https://github.com/jbelien/MapFile-PHP-Library (Library to read/write
MapServer mapfile using PHP).
As I said to Moritz and Marc, I will gladly help if you need me (whatever
the help needed).
Great evening to everyone.
See you soon.
Jonathan Beliën
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