[Belgium] FOSS4G.be: kickoff meeting

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Thu Apr 28 01:14:39 PDT 2016

On 28/04/16 09:26, KRUWIALIS Gael wrote:
> Fine, I 'll be online.
> About the agenda we can take the point from last year, and complete them, so during the meeting we can organize all the bullet point :-)

Good idea.

> * Collaboration with ICA
> * State of the map

I don't know if ICA will still be an issue. However, at the mapathon 
last week, Jorieke from Missing Maps told me that they were planning a 
mapathon on the same day as foss4g.be. We discussed the possibility to 
somehow integrate the two, i.e. organise a Missing Maps mapathon from 
16:00-19:00 on the day of foss4g.

To be discussed...


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