[Belgium] [OSGeo - Belgium] Minutes of the 2016-01-26 meeting
Oliver May
oliver.may at dfc.be
Wed Jan 27 01:34:07 PST 2016
Sorry that I couln't make it, the flu forced me into bed yesterday :s
Anyway, I can't make in on friday either as I am on holiday.
One topic I had, I still have the T-shirts here, are we going to sell them
at fosdem? In that case someone should pick up the box (or Dirk can take
2016-01-27 9:55 GMT+01:00 Tommy Oozeer <tommyoozeer at skynet.be>:
> Hello everyone,
> You can find the minutes of Tuesday's meeting on the wiki [1].
> Please amend if necessary.
> Regards
> Tommy
> [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo-BE-meeting-20160126
Oliver May
*DFC Software Engineering *
Brugsesteenweg 587
9030 Gent
T: +32 (0)484 97 77 70
F: +32 (0)9 236 54 12
W: http:// <http://goog_1066188553>www.dfc.be
Skype: skype://dfc.olivermay
Twitter: olivermay_be
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